Weight loss program

Posted: Monday, August 31, 2009 | | Keyword:

WHETHER because of being happy, Agnes felt her weight continued to rise uncontrollably. When he finally became overweight, Agnes decided to go to the doctor for a consultation.

Doctor recommend it ran 15 km every day, for 30 days. If Agnes diligently do, the weight will drop 20 pounds.

Agnes obey the doctor's advice. Diligently she ran 15 km every day, for 30 days. After that he was happy because his weight had dropped as much as 20 kg.

Agnes call the doctor and thanked him for his advice. There's only one problem, doctor.
What Miss.Agnes problem?

How do I go home? Because I was 450 km away from home!


  1. dawiecool said...
  2. kurang ngerti nih dengan joke yg ini...

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