
Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 | | Keyword:

In a place where is a dental practice having a patient who's treatment. Once completed and cured to pull

a tooth, the patient asked, how much it cost ?

$200 course, answered the doctor.

Wow, is usually a charge $ 50! the patient said.

Yes, but because of your screaming, three other patients that blurred!


  1. Business HumorBendol said...
  2. Thanks for add my link...

  3. Grampy said...
  4. That was funny. I could be one of those patients that left.

  5. Toni Blog said...
  6. sayang ga ngerti :D

  7. Rajesh said...
  8. are u intrested in links exchange add my link and buzz me

  9. vhingF said...
  10. helloooooooo......I thought I could help but it went "stress" to you. never in my entire life to insult any one on this universe if they did it to me okey lng. Who am I to say that aber!..I never thought of offending you. as I told you I enjoyed reading your articles.million thanks to what you've said on my "otherside blog". God Bless you!

  11. Basha said...
  12. added yo:)

  13. said...
  14. Laughing...I think I would have gotten out of there too- fast~

    I would be happy to exchange links with you, and add you to my Entrecard list.

    Thank you for the visit.


    A Nice Place In The Sun

  15. dawiecool said...
  16. hahahahaha....
    mungkin bagus juga kalo dokter gigi pake ruangan kedap suara..
    jadi kalo ada yang teriak2 gak kedengaran...

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