Twice misguided

Posted: Thursday, April 16, 2009 | | Keyword:

A pair of husband-wife found that the car was stolen. They both immediately went to the nearest police station to report the theft.

Then, a detective escorts them to the parking lot, where the car was to search for missing the signs that can help them find the back of the car.

Strangely, the car has been returned to their original place. In the windshield wiper slip any posts containing a paper apology and two tickets show times concert.

Apology that reads, "I apologize because it was taking your car. I must take my wife to hospital to deliver our baby. I apologize because this has been distressing you. Instead, there are two show times concert tickets for you. “

Disappointment husband-wife pair is immediately heals. They both attend the concert, and again quite the night.

When up in the house, they found the house was robbed. All valuable items have disappeared and no longer remain. Living a message that is placed on the doors, sounds,

"You still have a car. I need the cost to send my child later ...."

Have fun blogging :)


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