The blind and dog

Posted: Friday, April 17, 2009 | | Keyword:

A blind man is running with a dog as a pilot. / On a busy intersection, no matter the dog with the roar of traffic busy, he just continues to bring the blind people cross in the middle of crowd traffic.

The sound of car tires squeak in the brakes suddenly and the horn was sounded immediately frenetic, driver-driver who tried to panic them to shout that edge.

Finally, the blind and the dog to the curb. Then the people take the cake from the blind and gave Bag of dog.

A chance to see the incident that says, "Why do you still give your bread to the dog, when he was just almost making you die!"

The blind that said, "I just want to know where the head of the mutt, the matter can I hit his head."

Have fun blogging :)


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